Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s remarks at the 2012 Senate Commerce hearing on the future of our space program
Posted by DLM at November 23rd, 2014
The future of our Space Program and our Country is in Grave Danger.
The ignorance of not financing our space program leaves us and our country at risk. Are you guys kidding me? Are you so naive to think no one can afford to go to the moon and beyond?
As an American citizen I find it appalling that our future space program is secondary or of very low importance these days. It is my opinion that if we don’t get our heads out of our dark spot other countries will claim the Moon or Mars as their domain. This will leave us at a grave disadvantage If another country lands on the moon and claims it as their domain they could place weapons there that would have the capabilities to shoot down any vehicle that approaches.
If I was a government official in China or Russia I would see the great opportunity of gaining a foothold in space and surpassing the USA in the race for space. China has already landed a rover on the moon and has plans to do more. Russia is planning to build their own Space Station beginning in 2020. Other countries are already doing more in space than we are. They see the importance of and the economic value of the space industry as a whole.
While congress and the Senate sit around debating the cost we are being left behind. Our elected politicians are sitting around saying, “We can’t afford to put more money into our space programs!”. My response is simple, “We can’t afford not too!!!” Imagine if a hostile country or radical group of people launch something into space specifically to target the USA. Is it possible? Yes it is. Smaller countries are now building their own space programs whether for scientific research or spying capabilities. They are pressing forward to gain the advantage in space.
I say to Congress and the American Government if you can’t finance NASA then at least finance the private sector for the Space Industry. If you can’t or won’t 1st Space Financial Institution, Inc. will. Financing the Space Industry is a major part of our goal.
Donald McElfresh
1st Space Financial Institution, Inc.