Banking Crisis
Posted by DLM at June 22nd, 2014
Global Banking Crisis
The coming banking crisis; If something isn’t done soon to fix the global banking system we will see a much bigger crisis than what happened in 2008-2009. We are still feeling the after shock of this near global banking meltdown.
This video from Bloomberg is a good indication of what could happen in the very near future if we don’t do something today to correct the system.
The coming global banking collapse can be avoided by adopting a new more highly secure banking system and platform. Curtailing government spending and limiting how governments use money is one way to stop an impending banking collapse. But how do we force governments to live within their means? One way would be to take banking out of the hands of governments and put it in the private sector where it is controlled by profits and not by politicians.
1st Space Financial Institution, Inc. is looking at and studying the history of banking and the flaws and mistakes we have made over the centuries to build a new system that is beneficial to all.
Yes Governments can overspend but by only what they are capable of paying back. Stay tuned for more details on how we can avoid the coming global banking collapse.
Shadow Banking
Another sector that needs to be controlled or stopped is shadow banking which usually operates outside the legality of banking laws.
Another video from Bloomberg on this subject
Category: banking crisis, Uncategorized