How To Put Humanity In Space In 5 Years
Posted by DLM at October 29th, 2015
How To Put Humanity In Space in 5 Years.
It is actually quite simple. Create a financial system that will support the quadrillions of dollars needed to build the space craft, and technologies of tomorrow but do it today. As with everything we do here on earth today it takes money to build any kind of space craft to put into space. The simplest solution is to create a system separate from all the other systems and give it an amount of money as big as the universe we want to discover. Or as some would say, “An ungodly amount of money,” or, “Zillions of dollars.” However you want to say it, it will take a lot more money than all the banks on the planet could ever come up with at once. As we say here, “There isn’t enough money on planet Earth to finance such endeavors. Hence our system will be located in space at 22,000 miles above the equator.”
The primary reason we (USA) aren’t in space now is due to government spending and political agendas. China and other governments have pulled out the stops on their space programs and will beat us (the USA) to the moon or to Mars.
The following synopsis is a glimpse at how 1st Space Financial Institution, Inc. or (1SFII) is set to be the catalyst that will propel humanity in space in 5 years. The future of humanity depends on becoming a space faring race. If we are space travelers we can count on the survival of humanity.
Go to any bank today and ask them for a loan to build your dream space craft and see what they say. Or ask any Angel investor, Venture capitalist or anyone else for that matter and see what you have to give up to get a whack at their money. The general public is more open to investing in your ideas through a crowdfunding platform than anyone else. Even they are skeptical on some projects. So where do you turn too? 1st Space Financial Institution, Inc. (aka 1st Space Finance or 1st Space Bank)
How do we plan on doing that?
- First issue to solve is the money problem facing the space industry today.
- Creating an unheard of amount of money to finance these endeavors over the next 25 to 50 years. See number 6 below
- By financing any and all companies, individuals, governments and groups with viable ideas to get us into space.
- We will have a team of experts that will evaluate each idea and company that is proposed to us. No one will be turned down per se, we will make suggestions and assist in looking for ways an idea can be made viable. Even if it verges on the ridiculous or insane we will look at all angles and other uses of an idea. Back in the days of Buck Rogers they had Ray Guns today we call it lasers.
- Backing existing space companies, individuals and governments with additional funds.
Where will the money come from?
- After many years of research and many months and hours of planning we found a solution to the money problem.
- Most governments and financial systems are at their max without causing greater damage of inflation or deflation.
- As a stand alone currency it is not based on goods and services per se, but on the economic value of planet Earth and the entire universe.
- If Earth could be bought and sold as a planetary resource how much would it be worth? Or as far as that goes the Universe itself. We will issue to those who are approved an amount equal to the highest valued currency at the time. Example: 1 British Pound would equal 13.50 Space Dollars.
- The draw back is that they cannot use Space Dollars to buy goods and services from another company unless that company is a member of the bank. It requires that all participants use Space Dollars as their means of monetary commerce. Companies that wish to do business with our member company would sign up for an account and we will either loan them the money they want to use to participate or they can deposit the amount of their service or goods at the above rate. If their cost of goods or services are £1 million then they would have on deposit $D13.5 million. This will give them an opportunity to assist 12 more companies with their £1 million cost of goods or services.
- We will set the initial amount of money to be used at $D1.8 quadrillion.
Why so much money?
- Because space exploration is very expensive.
- To set an enormous amount of money for these companies to expand as technology advances.
- To finance technologies at a faster rate than the current norm.
- By using such an unheard of amount of money we can achieve advances of technologies and space exploration in a quantum leap forward.
- At the current rate of advancement it will take another 100 years before we get off the planet. Fast forward , Please.
- Using a different financial system separate from national economies we can eliminate the strain and burden placed on these economies.
- Using the fictional Starship of Star Trek it would take trillions of dollars to build this type of craft as well as the dry dock in space to maintain it.
- In our estimation it would take no less than 4 quadrillion dollars to build the dry dock, the starship and the thousands of other support companies and personnel to build just one.
- In our estimation it is a drop in the bucket to what the future spending for space exploration will cost.
What about the Moon and Mars
- This is another reason we need a separate financial system for space exploration.
- In order for us to reach the edge of our solar system and return in less than six months will require speeds in excess of 5 to 10 million MPH***.
- To set up facilities on either location will require billions of dollars of investments.
- No guarantee of success for any mission to or from space.
- Therefore we need a financial system that will not collapse our cause catastrophic failure to our current global financial systems if any one or multiple missions fail.
***We need to figure out how to increase the speed of our space craft from 37,000 mph (Voyager 1). In order to travel to the edge of our solar system and back in a decent amount of time it will require speeds in excess of 5,000,000 mph. Plus a method of slowing down or braking for exploration and returning to Earth. This craft would not enter the Earth’s atmosphere but dock with a space station where a shuttle craft would return the crew to Earth. A space elevator would be great for this part of the journey.
- At 250,000 mph it will take us 5.125 years one way or 10.25 years to make a round trip. Which would require us to solve the gravity problem our bodies are accustomed to.
- At a 1 million mph it would still exceed a year long journey to get there and 2.6 years round trip.
- We estimate that at 5 million mph it will take 3.23 months to reach the edge and 6.46 months for the round trip and additional time (up to 6 months) for exploration.This speed and time frame is achievable without artificial gravity, but our current technology doesn’t give us any engine or mechanism that will propel us to 5 million mph.Not even close. At half of that at 2.5 Million mph, we could do the slingshot method around Saturn and Jupiter to maybe increase our speed near our goal of 5 million mph but that requires doubling our speed.
Category: financing the space industry, How to, Space Bank, The future of our Space Program, Uncategorized